It’s often found buried in the “useful” drawer but if you are looking to become more organised and declutter it should be the first thing in your hand - the old faithful masking tape (or painters tape) and a marker pen! We use masking tape to write temporary labels - it’s cost effective, easy to write on and tear at whatever length you need.
But what about sticky notes I hear you ask, well they are great for many things but when you are decluttering you will probably find your hard sorting work is demolished in seconds when they fall off. Masking tape is effective at staying attached whilst still easy to remove.
Here are some examples of how to use it:
During declutters:
There are so many uses during a declutter, we always have it close by! Use it to identify piles of paperwork you are working through and labelling containers you are sorting into. Use it to note an expiration date for tracking whether an item is useful and really needs to stay in your home. The uses are endless for making any quick temporary notes and labels.
When Organising areas:
Use masking tape to help you plan. Label what each drawer, shelf, cupboard will be used for.
Once storage solutions for each area have been decided, masking tape is also really useful for making temporary labels so that you can create the final printed labels in one fell swoop, speeding up the process.
Quickly write what you think the label will say on masking tape and stick it to the folders, containers, suspension folders, magazine holders etc being used (note: can cause damage to some surfaces).
If you find you are doubling up on titles, or change how you want to file things, then you can quickly change the temporary label.
At the end of the organising process review the label titles to ensure they are what you want and then create permanent labels.
Don’t delay start today