Make-up is usually part of a rushed morning routine.
A mix of trying to be fast while slowing down to properly look for the brush you used yesterday that seems to have disappeared. Arms moving swiftly to apply eyeliner while simultanously catching the mascara that is rolling off the counter.
So let’s talk about how to create an organised and useable makeup area.
Firstly find all your make up and put it on a table or counter, sort by putting similar items together. Group them in a way that is logical for you and how you use them.
Look for expiry dates and throw out any out of date products. No date, how long have you had it? Old make-up can cause skin irritations, if it's over 6 months to a year get rid of it.
If you’ve had it for a while and haven’t used it – get rid of it. Remember how annoying and time consuming it is when you have too much stuff.
Assess the area you store your make, how far away is it from the mirror. Use smaller containers to keep like minded items together in categories and find ones that are easy to pick up if it needs to be portable.
Look at how much you have for each category and buy containers that comfortably fit your make up and accessories and allow you to use them easily.
Don’t delay start today.