Preparing your Home for the Festive Season
If you are on a mission to declutter and get organised then this time of year can be daunting. Received Christmas gifts will need to be dealt with soon enough. But what about preparing your home to be more festive, and making room for Christmas decorations…
Who wants to spend more time cleaning!
How to make room
My solution is simple, as you put your festive decorations out, use the same boxes and containers to store away the ornaments that usually sit where the decorations are being placed.
That way at the end of the season you can simply reverse the process.
As always I’m also going to suggest that this is a great time to declutter. You may groan at the idea but really it’s simple triggers like this that have helped me stay organised.
In my last blog, I spoke about decluttering your Christmas decorations, and as you move (or pack if you are following my suggestion) ornaments it’s a great time to declutter them too.
You may even find that although some ornaments have been displayed for years you have forgotten they were there.
As you make room for Christmas decorations
Look at the ornaments you are moving and ask yourself:
- Do I love it?
- Am I keeping it out of guilt?
- Is it worth all the extra cleaning effort….?
Consider how many Christmas decorations give you joy
I decided years ago that I would only put a few Christmas decorations out after realising I had stopped enjoying them. I resented the extra time spent cleaning, the time it took to put all the decorations out and then take them down.

Other than a couple of other pieces this picture is the extent of my Christmas decorations (Bah humbug!) . I usually have a family photo album and a Swedish snowball candle holder on display, both easy to store away for the duration.
I store my Christmas decorations in the old suitcase in the picture, it’s from my grandparents. It’s a piece of memorabilia in itself and works perfectly to store my decorations.
Do your Christmas decorations give you joy or do they feel more like a chore?
Don’t delay, start today