There are very few people who relish the idea of decluttering and organising their own stuff. ..
Most of us are motivated by the end result, having areas that no longer overwhelm and frustrate us.
Sometimes it’s hard to get a clear picture in our minds or even start to imagine what it will look like.
We can feel unmotivated because we tried in the past and didn’t succeed.
Getting organised is a process – it’s not a quick fix but it’s absolutely worth persevering with.
I don’t know your situation but I can relate if you have emotions surrounding clutter and being unorganised.
I am a naturally messy person and I went through the process myself many years ago.
There are two types of professional organisers, the ones who were always incredibly organised and the ones who are self taught. I am self taught.
I grew up loving to be creative, making huge mad art projects, my imagination also turned hallways into lagoons with toys marooned on rugs and me leaping between them (my favourite game that went on for days, poor mum).
I loved stuff and I had a hard time getting rid of any of it. Every pretty box could have a function; I just needed to store it until I figured it out. Items held memories and I kept most of them. I loved to dabble in different art projects – paper making, painting, photography, sculptures, painting ceramics.
When my life changed direction and the desire to be creative diminished, I still kept hold of it all because I was sure I would get back into it one day.
Memorabilia got boxed up and stored but not really looked at. If you’ve signed up for our Free Online Organising Course, you may have already read about my biggest hurdle surrounding my memorabilia.
My life completely turned around once I recognised my attachment and actively moved forward to re-evaluate, declutter, sort and get organised. It opened up so many other doors in my life as well.
It really doesn’t have to be hard; we can make a conscious decision to move forward. Sometimes we need guidance from a professional (I did) as to why we are holding on to so much and sometimes it’s an ‘ah ha’ moment when something just clicks.
Please, if you have a home filled with stuff and you want to get organised, take time to review why you are holding on to so much and consider talking to a therapist if needed.
Once this is sorted and you are ready to move forward, I can guide you through the steps to declutter and become organised